Friday, April 6, 2007

The Franchise Page

The cherry trees are in bloom. That fact typically wouldn’t matter to a resident of Arizona. However I recently attended the International Franchise Expo in Washington, D.C. and had the privilege of viewing our nation’s capitol in full cherry blossom splendor. I also had the privilege of meeting some great folks involved in helping franchises expand through better marketing. One of those people is Natalie Nutter, Managing Partner of Mercury Road. Her company has launched a new format with the goal of providing better qualified franchise leads to franchisors at an affordable price point.

With years of experience in the franchise industry, Natalie knows that the several large franchise lead generation sites or portals look numbingly similar. They battle for top spots in ‘franchise’ related searches using various site ranking and traffic generating tactics including PPC, linking and organic SEO. Visitors to their sites are led to chose attractive franchises and then submit their basic qualifying information. Leads from these sites typically have a 1 in 100 close rate, leaving a lot of room for improvement. Pricing models are either fixed monthly or priced per lead. Effective cost per lead may range from $50 to $100 each.

In order compete with these behemoths, Natalie and her crew have launched The Franchise Page. Here prospective franchisees are offered content on various industries which offer franchises.

Natalie explains, “When a visitor hits The Franchise Page, one of the first things we effort to do is drive them to read. It may be about the industry they were initially interested in or a question that initiates some self talk to see if they are really serious or just kicking tires.”

“Here they have the option of self-qualifying before they request lots of information on multiple franchise concepts and potentially waste your time. This technique helps reduce the number of tire kickers that are just filling out forms. This saves you time and lets you focus on more qualified prospect.”

Why is this important to you, the web marketer? Instead of blasting content at prospects The Franchise Page begins its relationship with the prospects by meeting them on terms familiar to them, encourages that relationship with strong industry specific content, then begins the qualification process. What’s next? User interaction through blogs, survey and other user generated content.

See some examples of this technology at and

Way to go, Natalie!