Perhaps more than any other December 31st for a generation, this December 31, 2008 will be remembered a the last day of a tough year. After speaking with many business owners over the last few days, it is clear that surviving 2008 is a defining moment for many of them. Surviving 2008 and managing to keep an eye on 2009 took more guts and determination than most of them had bargained for.
Like many defining moments, this year brought out the true colors of many of my compatriots. The strong became stronger and more resolute, if not necessarily more financially successful. And those who were looking for some excuse to blame for their lack of success found a handy scapegoat with the poor economy.
My prediction for 2009 and beyond? Only one:
Those that use this time of slow economic growth to sharpen their axe and lay the groundwork for long term sensible marketing and business development will look back at 2008 as the catalyst that drove them to new levels of success.
Be the economic engine of your own success. Sharpen your axe.
Happy New Year
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